When it comes to your pet, only the best will do. Our advanced facilities and exceptionally knowledgeable veterinary staff are here to meet your pet’s medical needs, whether it’s a sore paw or an ear infection.

Medical Services
Cardiology refers to the study of the heart.
A heart problem can affect your pet at any age, although it is typically found in older pets. Heart failure occurs when the heart no longer effectively circulates blood. If your pet is suffering from congestive heart failure, you may notice several symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, frequent coughing, and fatigue. Some causes of heart failure include congenital heart disease (animals born with a heart problem), valvular heart disease (abnormalities of the valves of the heart), heartworm disease, and arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances).
Many heart problems can be identified on physical examination.
Additional tests are usually required to identify the cause of heart disease accurately, and they may include EKGs (electrocardiograms), radiographs (X-rays), and ultrasounds. Heart disease is a severe and life-threatening condition, but early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can extend your pet’s life.
Unfortunately, animals are also susceptible to cancer.
They can develop cancer (abnormal cell growth) in the blood, bone, skin, liver, and other parts of the body. Recent advances in cancer treatment can significantly prolong the lives of some pets, often requiring a combination of surgery and chemotherapy. Still, an accurate diagnosis is essential before starting any treatment.
Spaying and neutering dogs and cats at an early age can prevent some forms of cancer.
A complete medical assessment begins with a thorough physical examination. Additional tests may be performed on your pet’s blood and urine to assess the proper functioning of your pet’s internal organs (such as kidneys, liver, pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal glands). Depending on your pet’s condition, we may recommend further diagnostic tests such as radiography (X-rays), endoscopy (internal scoping), ultrasound, or surgery.
Dermatology refers to the study of the skin.
Skin disease is a frequently observed problem in dogs and cats. Diagnosing a skin problem in your pet may require a veterinarian examination; however, most skin diseases or problems require additional steps to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Further diagnostic procedures may include blood work, urinalysis, skin scraping, and biopsies.
Skin problems can result from hormonal disorders or the common flea. If you notice excessive itchy behavior, loss of hair, and scabs or scales on the skin, you should book an appointment for your animal.
Endocrinology studies hormones and several common endocrine disorders are found in dogs and cats.
Hypothyroidism is often diagnosed in dogs. Hypothyroidism indicates that the animal has low levels of circulating thyroid hormone. The opposite is true for cats. They are frequently diagnosed with high levels of circulating thyroid hormones. Both diseases are detrimental to your pet if untreated.
Additional endocrine problems include Diabetes Mellitus, Cushing’s Disease, and Addison’s Disease.
There are many signs observable in pets with endocrine diseases. These signs may include abnormal energy levels/behavior/drinking/urinating and eating patterns, excessive panting, skin disorders, and weight changes.
Fleas and ticks are common ectoparasites of dogs, cats, and other mammals. Fleas and ticks are transmitted from animal to animal and by the environment. Many pets are exposed to fleas and ticks outside in yards, patios, dog parks, or on walks. Humans can even bring fleas into their homes on their shoes and clothing. Fleas and ticks cause itching, hair loss, allergies, anemia, skin infections and transmit parasites such as tapeworms or serious diseases such as Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Lymes disease. Pets living in Texas should be on flea and tick prevention year-round.
Ask your veterinarian for recommendations that suit your pet’s lifestyle and needs.
Gastroenterology refers to the study of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
The GI tract is responsible for digesting and moving food, absorbing nutrients, and removing waste from the body. The main components of the GI tract include the esophagus, stomach, and intestine. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract range from simple to complex and can consist of intestinal parasites, foreign bodies, infectious causes (bacterial/viral), inflammatory bowel diseases, or gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV).
Common clinical signs include vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea, loss of appetite, poor body condition, or constipation. GI diseases can be acute (isolated incidents with quick onset) or chronic (persistent illness requiring medications or treatments to control symptoms).
Diagnostic tests dependent on the history and physical exam are typically needed to identify GI disease accurately and may include fecal flotations, specific ELISA tests, radiographs, bloodwork, or ultrasound.
Health certificates are required when traveling with your pet. A health certificate is documentation completed by a veterinarian that ensures your pet is free of infectious disease and meets specific requirements, such as particular testing, vaccinations, or treatments.
Each individual state, territory, or country sets the requirements for travel. A veterinarian must first examine your pet and determine it is free of infectious disease and satisfies the appropriate requirements.
A simple health certificate is required when crossing state lines on road trips with your pet. Most international travel requires a specific health certificate that APHIS must endorse after completion by a USDA-Accredited veterinarian.
Planning travel far enough in advance is essential to allow enough time to meet the destination country’s requirements. Some factors to consider include
- Is a microchip required?
- Does the destination country require vaccinations, treatments, or laboratory tests to be given or performed?
- When are vaccinations, treatments, or laboratory tests required? (Many countries require vaccinations, treatments, or laboratory tests to be performed at certain time intervals before travel.)
- How long will the process take to obtain APHIS endorsement for international health certificates?
- How long is the health certificate good for? (Most certificates expire after 10 to 30 days and require a new certificate to be completed)
It is also important to contact the company transporting the pet (e.g., an airline or cruise line) to determine what additional or different requirements the pet must meet.
For more detailed information, visit the CDC or U.S. Customs and Border Control websites.
Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC) – provides a microscopic look at the blood itself. Blood is composed of different types of cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, white blood cells are the body’s primary means of fighting infection, and platelets play an essential role in blood clotting.
Chemistries – A blood chemistry panel evaluates the status of the internal organs and measures levels of essential blood components such as blood sugar, blood proteins, and electrolytes. Blood tests are commonly used to screen for organ diseases and endocrine or metabolic conditions and to assess the patient’s overall health.
Urinalysis (UA) – A urine analysis provides information about the urinary system and important data on other body systems. Evidence of some systemic problems may show up first in the urine. A urinalysis is an essential component of a complete laboratory profile.
Mosquitoes spread heartworm disease. Cases of heartworm disease have been documented in all 48 contiguous states. Primary hosts and reservoirs of infection are domestic and wild canines; however, other hosts are domestic cats, non-domesticated cats, ferrets, and the California sea lion.
The disease is caused by the mosquito-borne filarial parasite Dirofilaria immitis. Endemic areas like Texas provide adequate temperature and humidity to support a viable mosquito population year-round.
Ask your veterinarian for recommendations that suit your pet’s lifestyle and needs.
CityVet’s on-site laboratory is well-equipped to provide reliable and prompt results. Laboratory and diagnostic tests include:
- Blood Chemistry Analysis
- Blood Glucose
- Complete Blood Count
- Cytology
- Dental Radiographs
- Electrolyte Analysis
- Feline Leukemia/FIV Test
- Heartworm and Tick-Bourne Diseases
- Intestinal Parasite Screen – Fecal Tests
- Parvovirus Test
- Radiographs
- Skin Scrapings
- Thyroid Screening
- Ultrasound
- Urinalysis
Microchipping is a very popular and safe way to permanently identify your pet and link them to you, ensuring they can be returned if lost.
Microchipping involves placing a small electronic chip the size and shape of a grain of rice just under the skin in the neck area. A needle is used to inject the chip, comparable to a regular vaccine. If your pet is ever lost and transported to a shelter, the shelter can use a scanner similar to one found in the grocery store and contact you.
In addition to a collar, we advise you to use this identification system on your pet.
The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. It is comprised of skeletal bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissues.
Musculoskeletal system diseases most often affect the pet’s ability to move. How severely movement is impaired depends on the type and severity of the problem. Skeletal and joint disorders are the most common. Still, problems of the musculoskeletal system can also indicate diseases of the muscles, neurologic problems, toxins in the body, hormonal abnormalities, metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, blood and vascular disorders, poor nutrition, and congenital disabilities.
Common diseases of the musculoskeletal track include congenital and inherited disorders such as hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease (arthritis), ruptured ligaments, fractures, infectious diseases, and cancers such as osteosarcoma. Common clinical signs include lameness, weakness, swelling, and joint dysfunction.
Diagnostic imaging such as radiographs (x-rays) are typically required to identify musculoskeletal disease accurately.
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs control the body and communicate among its parts.
Diseases can impact your pet’s central nervous system (CNS), including their brain and spinal cord, or the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord. These issues can be present from birth or arise from infections, inflammation, toxins, diet, injuries, blood flow problems, aging, tumors, or unknown causes.
Signs to watch for are changes in behavior, seizures, tremors, pain, unsteadiness, or weakness in one or more legs.
Diagnosing these problems requires a detailed medical history and a specific neurologic exam. Your vet will likely start with blood tests and X-rays. If needed, they may suggest advanced tests like MRI or CT scans, which usually require seeing a specialist in veterinary neurology.
Despite their health claims, most pet foods “feed” but do not truly “nourish” pets. Consumers must be aware that today’s pet foods do not align with what nature intended for dogs and cats to eat.
Our recommendations for feeding your pet are based on a philosophy that considers nature’s nutritional design and the science of nutrition rather than relying on the misleading messages promoted by the pet food industry. Our veterinarians are passionate about raising awareness about pet food’s positive and negative impacts on our pets today.
Our firm belief is that understanding your pet’s food options and feeding them healthier food will improve their health and quality of life.
Animals have various nutritional requirements depending on their age, breed, and health status. Your pet’s dietary decisions should only be made by consulting a veterinarian.
Geriatric animals, as well as those with diabetes or kidney disease, have different dietary needs compared to young growing puppies or kittens.
Ophthalmology refers to diseases of the eye.
Common eye issues in pets include problems with eyelid shape, dry eyes due to poor tear production, cherry eye, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, glaucoma, cataracts, lens dislocation, and other diseases affecting the nervous system or overall health. Symptoms to watch for are red, swollen, or inflamed eyes, squinting, sensitivity to light, tearing or discharge, eye rubbing, and vision loss. Accurate diagnosis often requires specialized tests, such as checking eye pressure (tonometry), measuring tear production (Schirmer tear test), and using dye to identify corneal damage (fluorescein eye stains).
Pathology refers to the study and diagnosis of diseases.
We offer a range of diagnostic services in pet pathology to ensure the health and well-being of your furry friends. Our comprehensive services include:
- Histopathology: This involves the microscopic examination of tissue samples to diagnose diseases. If your pet has a lump or mass, we can analyze it to determine its nature—whether it’s benign, malignant, or indicative of another health issue.
- Cytology: This is the study of cells from body fluids or tissue aspirates. By examining these cells under a microscope, we can diagnose infections, inflammations, and cancers.
- Necropsies: Also known as animal autopsies, necropsies help us understand the cause of death. This can be crucial for identifying hereditary conditions, infectious diseases, and other factors that may affect other pets in your household or community.
Research has shown that your pet heals much faster when pain is controlled.
As in human medicine, we have a variety of medications to manage your pet’s pain both before and after surgery, in the event of trauma, and for arthritis.
Radiology (x-rays) is routinely used to provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart, and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). It can be used alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic tools to list possible causes for a pet’s condition, identify the exact cause of a problem, or rule out potential problems.
When a pet is radiographed, an X-ray beam passes through its body, hitting a piece of radiographic film. Images on the film appear as various shades of gray and reflect the animal’s anatomy. Bones, which absorb more X-rays, appear as light gray structures. Soft tissues, such as the lungs, absorb fewer X-rays and appear as dark gray structures. Interpretation of radiographs requires great skill on the part of the veterinarian.
Ultrasonography, or ultrasound, is a diagnostic imaging technique similar to radiography (X-rays). It is usually used in conjunction with radiography and other diagnostic measures. Ultrasounds allow visualization of the deep structures of the body and are a valuable tool for diagnosing many diseases.
Ultrasounds can be used for various purposes, including examining the animal’s heart, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, bladder, etc. They can also be used to determine pregnancy and monitor an ongoing pregnancy. Ultrasounds can detect fluid, cysts, tumors, or abscesses.
Ultrasounds are non-invasive and painless. A “transducer” (a small hand-held tool) is applied to the body’s surface to which an ultrasound image is desired. A gel is then used to help the transducer slide over the skin surface and create a more accurate visual image. Sound waves are emitted from the transducer and directed into the body, where they bounce off the various organs to different degrees depending on the density of the tissues and the amount of fluid present. The sounds are then fed back through the transducer and reflected on a viewing monitor. This procedure does not involve radiation.
The respiratory system’s primary function is to deliver oxygen to the cardiovascular system and remove carbon dioxide. It includes the nose, sinuses, pharynx, trachea, and lungs.
Diseases of the respiratory system often affect the pet’s ability to breathe. How severely breathing is impaired depends on the type and severity of the problem. Common respiratory tract diseases include collapsing trachea, asthma (especially in cats), pneumonia, and infectious or viral diseases such as kennel cough or canine distemper.
Common clinical signs include nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, increased rate or depth of breathing, or coughing.
Diagnosis is based on history, physical examination, bloodwork, diagnostic imaging (x-rays) of the heart and lungs, and sometimes a chest tap to remove fluid or air.
Most of your pet’s health needs will be met at our practices; however, there are circumstances where we may direct you and your pet to a specialist, a veterinarian with advanced knowledge in a particular area of veterinary medicine or surgery.
In some cases, specialized equipment is required to perform procedures not routinely performed by general veterinary practitioners. Examples of veterinary specialists include ophthalmologists, oncologists, surgeons, etc.
Other Medical Services
Acupuncture is the treatment of conditions or symptoms by inserting very fine needles into specific points in the body. Those particular points provide access to nerve endings, which, once stimulated, send information to the spinal cord and brain. Acupuncture promotes pain relief, increased blood flow, and increased function of organs and tissue, which then speeds healing.
There is evidence of acupuncture’s success in treating disorders of the reproductive, musculoskeletal, neurologic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and dermatologic systems.
Alternative therapies, which include treatments other than conventional Western medicine, take a holistic and natural approach. Examples include acupuncture, herbology, homeopathy, and massage.
We offer individualized dog and cat behavioral counseling on various issues, including aggressive behavior and inappropriate elimination. If you are concerned about your pet’s behavior, please contact us and request an appointment with our veterinarians.
Budgies, parrots, and songbirds require regular veterinary attention too!
We advise annual visits to the vet for your feathery friends. During their yearly check-up, we will examine your bird’s beak, nails, and feathers to determine if they require specialized attention. Some birds require more frequent examinations. Since birds are notorious for hiding illnesses, we also recommend annual wellness blood testing to catch diseases in their early stages.
Note: A bird that doesn’t groom itself correctly and exhibits a ruffled, un-kept look associated with its feathers is usually sick and should be examined as soon as possible by a veterinarian.
Beak Trims
Beaks grow continuously, and healthy birds wear their beaks evenly. Some birds develop problems with their beaks and require veterinary assistance to trim and grind the beak to a standard, functioning appearance. Do not attempt to trim your bird’s beak at home.
Determining the sex of birds can be very difficult and, in some cases, impossible if relying solely on physical appearance. A blood test can be done to determine the sex of your bird. Please feel free to consult with us about these procedures.
Toe Nail Trims
Most birds require their nails to be trimmed regularly, so bring your bird to us to grind away the appropriate amount of nail. Blood vessels inside the nail are easily nicked during trimming, making it difficult to do at home. We suggest you only perform this procedure at home if you have a small bird with white nails. We also recommend you have a readily accessible caustic agent available if the nail begins to bleed.
Note: Do not use sandpaper perches! They do not wear down the nails and can cause skin problems.
Wing Clippings
Wing clipping is performed on birds to inhibit their flying abilities. It is a painless procedure that ensures the safety of your bird in its environment. A bird with its wings trimmed will no longer be at risk of flying into a ceiling fan or a window. There are several techniques available to preserve the aesthetic appearance of your bird. Please call to discuss this option further or to set up an appointment.
Therapeutic laser therapy has been used in human medicine for decades and is now a common complementary therapy in veterinary medicine. Often referred to as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or, less accurately, “cold” laser therapy, these lasers differ from surgical lasers, which cut tissue with a very concentrated beam. Simply put, low-level laser therapy works when the laser beam penetrates to the cellular level, causing a reaction that boosts the cell’s energy. Increased energy means faster tissue repair and cell growth, resulting in pain relief, decreased swelling, and quicker healing of wounds and injuries. Laser therapy initiates the body’s healing process, meaning the anti-inflammatory response can continue for up to 24 hours!
Laser therapy is a non-invasive, quick, and painless treatment for various conditions. It can treat acute conditions such as soft tissue injury, surgery recovery, wounds, bone fractures, and chronic conditions such as arthritis, ear infections, skin infections, and some neurological issues. Most treatments take less than 15 minutes, and even chronic patients can experience improvement after just a few treatments. The frequency and duration of treatment depend on the condition being treated, but most patients can decrease or stop laser treatments over time and still achieve the same results as their body begins to heal itself.
To find out what breed your pet may be, a DNA test is submitted after a simple sample collection, and results are provided in a few short weeks.
The loss of a pet can be a tragic event. The emotions we have as a result of this loss are real, justifiable, and nothing to be ashamed of. Our team understands these feelings, as many have experienced them. We also have literature to help you and your children deal with losing a family pet. Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding this.
We are pleased to offer veterinary services at most locations for ferrets, lizards, hamsters, snakes, rabbits, guinea pigs, and other small animals.
- Your ferret should be examined yearly by a veterinarian. A stool sample for parasite check should be submitted at the same time as the yearly check-up. Vaccines are available for ferrets and can be discussed during your visit.
- Common problems associated with ferrets include gastrointestinal disease (diarrhea), parasites, and cancer. Ferrets are curious creatures by nature and frequently ingest objects they shouldn’t. Any loss of appetite or abnormal behavior should alert you to a potential problem and the need for veterinary consultation.
Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, & Hamsters
- Your furry friends require veterinary attention, too! You should seek veterinary attention if your pet stops eating, appears quieter than usual, exhibits discharge from the eyes or nose, and/or develops a lump on its body. Teeth grow continuously in these small animals and often require attention.
Iguanas & Other Lizards
- These engaging and entertaining creatures are frequently brought to veterinarians for nutrition-related problems. We strongly advise you to schedule a nutritional consultation with our veterinarians to discuss how you may best avoid these conditions.
- All reptiles should have yearly examinations and parasite checks.
- Rabbits are susceptible to various conditions, including hairballs, overgrown teeth, parasites, and cancer. You should seek veterinary attention if your rabbit stops eating, appears overly quiet, or experiences discharge from the eyes and/or nose.
- Your veterinarian should examine your rabbit yearly. Wellness blood testing and parasite checks may be recommended as well.
Other Exotics
- We provide medical assessments and surgical procedures for various exotic animals, including mice, rats, sugar gliders, pot-bellied pigs, and hedgehogs. We see many diseases related to improper nutrition in these animals. Please talk to us about properly feeding your pet, as most diseases can be prevented with a fundamental knowledge of their nutritional requirements.
Massage therapy is an alternative therapy that may help reduce stress in the body, help joints, muscles, and bones heal, provide basic pain relief, and assist in the rehabilitation and regeneration of muscle tissues. Both acute and chronic conditions may respond to massage therapy, especially as a complement to other forms of treatment.